Sunday 26 April 2009

Scharndorff's Assault Troops

So no posts for ages. This has all been down to the Lead Painters League Season 3.

A good opportunity for me to paint some figures and have some deadlines, so that the lead pile goes down a bit.

My first entry was these German assault troops from Pulp Figures. Didn't win in fact got very well beaten. Still several rounds to go with other entries.

At least I think I have now developed a style I am happy with.

Wish I could take better photographs though.

I want to use these as mercenaries in my back of beyond games or as troops in pulp games.

Scharndorf the guy kneeling down has been sent to Asia with Von Blucher to assist the White renegades and Chinese Warlords against the Bolsheviks who are establishing a foothold in the area. But does he have other motives.........